Dungeon Deathmatch

Dungeon Deathmatch is an online multiplayer dungeon crawler battle royale hybrid currently being developed in C++ and Unreal Engine 4. As the sole developer on this project, I have implemented:

  • Collision based melee combat system leveraging UE4’s Animation and Gameplay Ability subsystems
  • Grid style inventory systems
  • Modular character meshes for armor and customization
  • Stamina based combat and movement systems
  • Loot drop generation

You can view the source code for Dungeon Deathmatch here. The project is still fairly early in development, so several core systems are not yet fully implemented or may change over time.

The Lays of Althas: Sundered Order


The Lays of Althas: Sundered Order is a single-player, medieval-low-fantasy RPG being developed by Epoch Games using Unreal Engine 4. The game is being developed by an all-online, all-volunteer team, and is currently working towards its public release.

As Lead Programmer on this project, I was not only responsible for delegating tasks to fellow programmers and hiring new developers, I was also responsible for implementing various gameplay systems and tools to help designers. I worked closely with other programmers, artists, designers, and project leads to accomplish these goals. I also took part in some design aspects of the game. During my time on this project, I worked on:

  • Quest system design and implementation
  • AI and Quest scripting
  • Character editor enhancements
  • Equipment and consumable systems and menus
  • Melee combat system

Vralhalla (C++, Unreal Engine)

Vralhalla was a game developed using C++ and Unreal Engine 4 for the 2017 Epic Mega Jam with the theme “However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light”. It is a VR Sailing Survival game for the HTC Vive.
Once again I wanted to make a VR game with a unique movement mechanic that didn’t cause motion sickness. My team mates also really wanted a viking inspired game. We naturally landed on a sailing game with elements of Norse mythology.
The object of the game is to sail your boat through the perilous sea, keeping your ship’s lanterns alight whilst avoiding crashing into rocks. Failure to do so will lead you to a watery, tentacle-y grave.
I wrote the code for:

  • VR interactions
  • Boat sailing controls
  • Pickups
  • Boat fuel & lighting systems
  • Damage & repair systems
  • Scripting of game win/loss scenarios

I devoted a significant amount of development time to the look and feel of the boat sailing controls. This turned out really well, considering I didn’t know how sail boats worked before starting this project!

Xtreme Pogo Deathmatch (C++, Unreal Engine)

Xtreme Pogo Deathmatch was a game developed using C++ and Unreal Engine 4 for the 2017 Unreal Spring Jam with the theme “Spring in to Action”. It is a VR wave combat game for the HTC Vive.
I wanted to create a VR game with a unique movement mechanic I had not seen before. Luckily, pogo sticks fit right with the theme, and ended up working really well without causing motion sickness (for everyone who has played it so far, at least!)
I did all of the programming on this project, including : 

  • VR interactions
  • Pogo movement & platforming physics
  • Drone AI
  • Combat systems
  • Scoring system
  • HUD elements
  • Game over & reset mechanics

I focused significantly on making the pogo stick world interactions feel responsive and fun whilst keeping the physics somewhat realistic.