
My name is Ike, I’m a gameplay programmer specializing in C++ and Unreal Engine 4. Here, you can view my resume, current and past personal game projects, as well as some smaller side projects.

I’m currently working as a Gameplay Programmer at Rockstar San Diego. Previously, I worked as a Game Programmer for Lost Boys Interactive in Madison, WI, where I shipped four major releases as an external developer for PUBG. Before that, I worked as a Lead Gameplay Programmer for Epoch Games, an all online, volunteer based games studio, working on ‘The Lays of Althas: Sundered Order’.

In my spare time, I am also developing an online multiplayer dungeon crawler game called Dungeon Deathmatch. Some other notable games I’ve worked on include Vralhalla, and Xtreme Pogo Deathmatch. While I do the majority of my work in C++ and Unreal Engine, I also have experience with Blueprint, Unity, C#, Java, and JavaScript. I have also worked on small projects that aren’t strictly game programming, like my World of Warcraft Discord bot, Bilgewater Bot!

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